10 Lesser-Known Wine and Cheese Pairing Tips

10 Lesser-Known Wine and Cheese Pairing Tips

Dec 22, 2023Simmi Manghwani
Wine and cheese—a timeless duo that has graced tables and delighted palates for centuries. Speaking of "wine&cheese" feels like a long-dated romance that is not getting dull any time soon. Pairing wine and cheese is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. The intricacies lie in understanding the subtleties of flavors, textures, and regional nuances. Let's delve into 10 lesser-known wine and cheese pairing tips to get you equipped with the best wine-pairing skills.

wine and cheese pairing tips

10 Wine and Cheese Pairing Tips

  • Pair by Flavor Intensity and Age

When it comes to wine and cheese, harmony is key. Consider the intensity of flavors and the age of both components. Young, vibrant wines often complement the freshness of mild cheeses, while robust aged wines find their match in well-aged cheeses.

For instance, a crisp Sauvignon Blanc pairs beautifully with creamy goat cheese, creating a symphony of tangy and citrusy notes. On the other hand, a full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon can be the ideal companion for a sharp, aged cheddar.

  • Consider the Texture of Cheese and Wine

Texture plays a pivotal role in the enjoyment of wine and cheese. Creamy cheeses find balance with effervescent sparkling wines, while hard cheeses stand up to the richness of full-bodied reds.

For example, creamy Brie can be paired with Prosecco or a robust Malbec can be paired with the firmness of a Parmesan.

  • Balance Flavors and Intensities

Achieving a harmonious balance between the flavors and intensities of wine and cheese is an art. A pungent blue cheese can be tempered by a sweet dessert wine, creating a delightful yin and yang on your palate.

Consider pairing a zesty Riesling with the bold flavors of Gorgonzola, allowing the sweetness of the wine to mellow the intensity of the cheese.

  • Try Opposites

Sometimes, the magic lies in the unexpected. Experiment with pairings that contrast in flavor profiles and textures.

For example, the crisp and acidic Pinot Grigio with the creamy richness of a Camembert or the fusion of a buttery Chardonnay wine with the sharpness of a Manchego.

  • Pair by Region

Transport your taste buds to different corners of the world by pairing wine and cheese from the same region.

Indulge in the classic marriage of a French Bordeaux with a decadent Roquefort or savor an Italian Chianti alongside a flavorful Pecorino.

  • Consider the Time of the Year

The changing seasons bring a variety of flavors to the table. Embrace the influence of seasonal ingredients when pairing your wine and cheese. During the warmer months, opt for a crisp and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc with a goat cheese salad, while the colder seasons may call for a hearty Cabernet Sauvignon with a robust Gouda.

  • Don't Always Go for Red Wine

Contrary to popular belief, red wine doesn't always reign supreme in the world of cheese pairings. White wines offer a refreshing alternative.

Explore the crisp acidity of a Chablis with a soft and creamy Brie or the tropical notes of a Viognier with tangy goat cheese.

  • Buy Cheese Up to a Week Before Consumption

Timing is crucial when it comes to cheese. Purchase your cheese about a week before consumption to ensure optimal flavor and texture.

Store cheeses in their original wrapping or parchment paper, allowing them to breathe. Keep them in the vegetable crisper of your refrigerator, away from strong-smelling foods.

  • Attend Wine and Cheese Tasting Events

Immerse yourself in the world of wine and cheese by attending tasting events. These gatherings offer a unique opportunity to expand your palate and discover new favorites.

Explore local wine bars, vineyards, or specialty cheese shops for tasting events. Join online communities where enthusiasts share information about upcoming gatherings.

  • Experiment with Different Combinations

Venture beyond the conventional pairings and let your taste buds guide you. Keep a record of successful combinations for future reference.

Create a wine and cheese journal, noting down your experiments, and discover your personal preferences. Share your findings with fellow enthusiasts, sparking engaging conversations about unique pairings.


Keep Up The Pairing...

Whether you're sipping a velvety red with a robust blue or savoring the crispness of white alongside a creamy Brie, the key lies in experimentation. Elevate your wine and cheese experience, making each sip and bite a celebration of flavors. Benefit from the largest wine delivery Singapore network and get your favorite wine delivered to your home. Cheers to the art of pairing!

Also, read about the wine and pizza pairing guide by Benchmark Wines.

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